Thursday, March 31, 2011

the only thing consistent is change

It's getting harder and harder to post entries, probably because I feel as though I should write something of intellect consumption. Well, more like I should bring something new to write about. Though I could care less of who keeps up reading all of this. More for me really. Hah, oh juxtaposition.

What a funky month. We changed our clocks, declared spring, and here we are at the end of it all.

Up and down, can't quite figure it quite out. I'm hypothesizing.

Where's is everyone? It's as if I've just realized this. Where's the effect? Not to be seen of course. Why? Possibly because I knew. I saw it coming. Oh well life continues don't it?

The questions: What am i doing? Where to now? alternates. The former preoccupies Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. The latter Sundays and Wednesdays. Saturdays I take a break. Can't crumble on a weekend now can you? Pull it together for another round!