Thursday, October 15, 2009

Doughnuts or Donuts?

This is a topic that I wanted to cover eventually, but it came up today so I'm make some comments on it. Actually I don't know the right term for it, it there even is one, but I'll try to explain it, and hopefully you'll get the jist.

You know those times where you've been thinking about something for a like a whole day (usually something that's not always up in the fore front) and all of the sudden it pops up? For instance, you're singing a song in your head (probably an old tune), and all of the sudden someone around you starts singing aloud or the radio plays the same tune. Or in the case of today, I was thinking about doughnuts. Krispy Kremes in particular, and about how I would like to buy some for my classmates tomorrow. (Thursday is a long need some stimulation) The last time I ever had Krispy Kremes has been a while, but this week, someone in class was talking about how she was craving it, and I thought it would be nice to bring some in. And well what do you know? There was an article on Yahoo about it. It was something in the lines of how Krispy Kreme started off well, but now it's doing terrible. I guess for the lack of category this is somewhat similar to Karma? How one thing effects another (what is this called?!) Another example is how you haven't talked to someone in a long time, but all of the sudden you get a random call. There's probably more examples. Ooo like someone brings home something you wanted to eat like.. spring rolls or something that's not so common. Or for some reason you've been thinking about a name like Gustav or something and it just pops up in an article or something. Heh, it's just weird how things work, and I'm pretty fascinated by this unique phenomenon. It's almost like we have telepathy with the world somehow...

On a side note: Have you ever picked at your belly button? WHAT is that stuff?! How does dust and things like that get trapped in there to create this gray gunk?? That maybe the least uncleaned/unwashed part of one's body. Do you have to like Q-tip it after a shower? ugh.. I'm weirded out but this phenomenon, but not in such a positive aspect as mentioned above.

Here's the article:

Wait, so what does this mean? I shouldn't get doughnuts because I'll just be a suck up to the class, and win a friendship? Because it's super unhealthy and I really shouldn't be spending money on food, let alone glazed doughnuts? Because after reading, okay skimming, the article Krispy Kreme is doing bad and I should do them a favor? Because I SHOULD in fact buy this delectable treat? Oh man the dilemma!

1 comment:

  1. Buy the donuts! It just might make someones day. I didnt read the article but I think it would be cool. Totally not a suck up thing. :)
    ( I guess by my first sentence you can see that I chose donuts and not doughnuts though I'm sure the latter is correct hahahaha)
