It's here tomorrow..I mean there's still ways to go, but I'm here, sort of. In disbelief, just like when my phone shattered last Friday. It's been quite the journey to get here. Lots of uncertainty, lots of posts, lots of frustrations and tears, lots of hands in the area followed by "why", lots of complaining, and not enough gratitude. Funny how, it's something we know, we hear a lot about, and many sermons done over again on it and we still manage to forget it time to time.
Goodness, I don't know what to expect. I wonder what you all are doing and what points in your life you all are. It'd be nice to hear how far you've come where you are in getting "there" and what's happened the last year. What happened to you?
Summertime snuck up didn't it? (and since when was snuck not a word? is it sneaked? apparently so..oh well) Sure did. Summer of 2012 what memories await me? How can I write this one?